Thanksgiving Earth Blessing – Happy Digesting!

Earth Blessing

Spirit of Earth who is solid and soft;

Hewn from volcanos and metals at rest,

Form Her shoulders, Her feet, Her belly and breast.

Bouldered mountains and hills, with meadows of grass,

Pulverized rocks for roots, and fields for repast.

Spirit of Earth who is solid and soft;

I cup moist spring mud in the palm of my hand,

And plant future buds in the heart of Her land.

Let us thank you again for always filling our bowls,

And keep our hopes thriving with each cycle you grow.

By JeM YinJoy

Autumn – When Mother Earth is coated by moist, colorful leaves and she turns her attention to digestion of what is left from summer harvest.

Microbes are active in this digestive process, and the leaf litter and decomposing fruits and vegetables provide such a wide array of nutrients that the soil teams with a diverse population of microbes that help turn the organic debris from vegetation, to forest gold.

In essence, in the Fall, Mother Earth becomes a large compositing bin.

Besides spring, this is a wonderful time to create a Winogradsky column too, as the soil is alive with populations of microbes that display a multitude of metabolic talents.
(see the blog posts for Winogradsky Column at:

For Thanksgiving, I am reciting one of the blessings from my guidebook, Microbe Whisperer: Cards for Environmental Healing, Divination and Education.

Enjoy connecting the microbes that turn vegetation to soil, in Mother Earth and attune these to your gut microbes, while digesting the harvest from the feasting table.

JeM YinJoy, Ph.D.

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