9. Mariprofundus Ferrooxydans

Haiku for M. Ferrooxydans Electron Breather, Rust Maker, Elegant Skeins Promise biofuel. by Dr. JeM YinJoy How to pronounce Mariprofundus …

Microbial Guide Teaches about Heaven and Hell – Endosymbionts and Tube Worms

Haiku for Thioautotrophs Few greater bonds can be, Than between this worm and microbe In the sea. By JeM YinJoy …

Dr. JeM YinJoy

Dolphin Rider – New Video for Who’s Your Microbe?

Haiku for V. Harveyi  Dolphin Rider, spills flask of bioluminescent revelations. by JeM YinJoy What It Does for the Environment …

2. Thioautotroph Bacteria

Pre-endosymbiont – “I have to work so hard to scrape together a few HS-, O2 and CO2 molecules just to eek out a living in this undersea vent neighborhood!”
Pre-tube worm host – “ Why don’t you take a load off in my tube chamber? I could use a few extra ergs of ATP from you.”
And the ultimate codependent relationship was born!