Blautia Heroine

Gut Microbe Protects Us from Cholera

A gut microbe was identified, that helps us to resist cholera. This heroic bacterium exists in a healthy gut microbiome. …

Heart-Healthy Microbe Guide for you on Valentine’s Day!

Like holly berries that sustain birds through the colder months in the more temperate regions, C. nivalis provides a bright message to the creatures flying or flitting or buzzing about the snow covered slopes of the mountains. This is where C. nivalis is simply producing red pigments for her own photosynthetic activities.
The cells of C. nivalis imbue ice crystals so brightly with its red pigment that the tint is evocative of watermelon fruit flesh, or a red snow cone.

Microbe Gut Microbiota

Cultivate A Diverse Microbe Gut While Holiday Feasting!

As the feasting holidays surround us, we are assailed by many gustatory options for our gut microbes to feed upon. …

Microbe Whisperer Icon

Celebrating Microbiome Day – Month of June!

June 27 has been deemed International Microbiome Day by some forward thinking companies around the world. You can learn more …


The Microbes of Bliss! Valentine’s Day Meditation.

Naming the microbes is important, as you know from learning about the microbes in the Microbe Whisperer guidebook and this site. Just identifying a few main representatives of this collective will go a long way to open the channels of communication with these marvelous microbes that inhabit your gut and bring you bliss.

Thanksgiving Earth Blessing – Happy Digesting!

Earth Blessing Spirit of Earth who is solid and soft; Hewn from volcanos and metals at rest, Form Her shoulders, …

Honey Bees Microbe Whisper To Viruses – How These Sweet Ones Do it!

Honey Bees are Microbe Whisperers too! New Video by JeM YinJoy, shows how the hive selects mites with “Good” viruses …

Mother Earth Nourishment for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Milk As babies in their mother’s womb rely on their mother for support, so we too rely on the …