Earth Day 2020

Mother Earth Has Spoken, Our System Is Broken, Time To Listen, To Microbe Whispers

Good Earth Day To You, Aspiring Microbe Whisperers!

Today, I cast a GEO CYCLE Layout Reading for Earth Day, and here is what the Microbe Guides wanted to say!

GeoCycle Layout: In my Microbe Whisperer Guidebook, I illustrate the Geocycle layout. The layout is shown in this image. The layout consists of four cards, shaped in a triangle pointing down towards Mother Earth; the ancient symbol of the Feminine Divine.

What Supports

The first card of the layout, is on the top left in this image. This is the card that supports. For Earth Day, this pertains to the message that this microbe guide has, for what supports Mother Earth. The Microbe Guide is number 5 in the Microfuge Tube suit.

See the image here for a close up of this particular card. It is Pseudomonas Putida.

Here I call her the "Landmine Detector". P. putida has tiny circlets of genes in her body. These circlets are called plasmids. P. putida harbors many genes on these plasmids, for enzymes that degrade toxic compounds.

TNT Detection But, besides that, this type of P. putida can help microbiologists detect landmines! This microbe has been genetically altered to fluoresce, in the presence of TNT. This means that microbiologists can use P. putida to detect TNT in soil. This means, that this tiny P. putida, is instrument in helping us to locate and find landmines hidden in worn-torn lands. These mines have been known to maim and kill children who innocently play on these former battle sites.


And the message from P. putida, today, on Earth Day, is this: What supports us is to be like P. putida, the protectors of children and new seeds.

Right now, with the corona virus pandemic shifting the planet, our most supportive action is to protect our future. Whether it be our children, or crops, or whatever seeds of hope we need to plant. P putida brings her wisdom of how to effect this protection. She does this with her vibrant multifaceted abilities to both excise toxins from the soil, and to show us where the landmines are buried. That way, we can do the dirty work and expose that which can destroy our hopes for a global future. Once these landmines are exposed, we can disarm them!


Questions posed by this Microbe Animal guide are - What form do landmines take in your lives? What form do landmines take in your community? And, what form do landmines take in our world? Once dug up, and exposed, we can begin the process of diffusing them.



It is interesting that the Microbe Animal Guide presenting herself here, is Desulfovibrio vulgaris, The Oil-Drill Corrosion Microbe. D. vulgaris is a bacterium that can eat some metals. The side effect of their feeding leads to bio-corrosion of metal infrastructure.


Cleaner Air

During these COVID times, we have been off the road, and out of the sky. We've been sparsely using fossil fuels that propel our usual modes of transportation. Our environmental scientists have shown with data what we can smell and see for ourselves. The cleaner air that has resulted, in only a few short weeks. This realization has raised our consciousness of what we can accomplish. This new "pandemic" normal has this advantage. We have seen what we can do, as a world community, to prevent our earth from careening towards the inevitable demise of a life-supporting climate.

Mini-Environmental Activist

Because its feeding practices give it the ability to corrode the metals that compose drilling and oil storage equipment, D. vulgaris is considered a destructive pest in petroleum recovery operations.

What environmentalist can’t appreciate this little microbe contributing its own form of bio-activism? By corroding oil drilling equipment, with its penchant for the tasty metals that are used in these metallic plunderers of Mother Earth, this bacterium effects its own micro-acts of rebellion to topple the giants.


from D. vulgaris are: Purification of a toxic environment; Finding alternate ways to convert waste; Subverting the status quo in unpredictable ways; and Eliminating tools harmful to the earth

What Erodes

The position of "What Erodes", on the top right of the layout, is occupied by the White Rot Fungi, Microbe guide.

Phanerochaete chrysosporium (fan-er-oh-KEY-tee Cry-so-SPORE-E-Uhm) is a well-known white rot fungus. It has a specialized ability to degrade the plant polymer called lignin. Phanerochaete chrysosporium releases extracellular enzymes (these are enzymes that ooze outside of itself). These enzymes breakup the complex three-dimensional structure of lignin into components that can readily be digested by its unique metabolism. This microbe guide is a reminder of the natural cycles of life on Mother Earth. White rot fungi is one of trillions of examples of the denizens on our planet that clear out wastes so we do not drown in it.

The message from this microbe guide is clear: What erodes us is the need for our planet to engage in constant cleaning, constant pruning and constant waste reduction. This is simply a biological fact in our world.

Cleansing is part of an inexorable cycle and takes multiple forms.
It can be a pandemic, an invasion of locusts, a catastrophic climatic event, or a change in the sun's intensity.

Just as there are trillions of microbes cleansing our earth, there are trillions of possibilities, of how this purification occurs.


The Microbe Guide, Thermus aquaticus, has shown up in the "Future" position on this Geocycle layout. The DNA polymerase from T. aquaticus has benefitted all of humanity. This is because it is the source of the heat-resistant enzyme Taq DNA polymerase. This one of the most important enzymes in molecular biology because of its use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA amplification technique.

Corna Virus Testing

It is this PCR technique that is being used now, in corona virus testing. This is a potent message from the microbe guide, Thermus aquaticus. The key to our future, is to be able to open up our world again. The key to opening up our world, is a simple test for COVID-19. And this test should be available to everyone, everywhere. This will give us the valuable information we need to stop the novel corona virus from continuing its deathly purge across our planet.


Mother Earth Has Spoken, and We have Heard the Whispers from these Microbe Animal Guides today,

from this casting of a Geocycle Layout and consulting with the 4 microbe animal guides that appeared in this layout.

The Microbe Whisperer Guidebook contains many more details on these particular microbe animal guides and on the 44 microbes in the Microbe Whisperer Oracle Deck.

The Microbe Whisperer Guidebook contains a haiku for each of the 44 microbe guides and a blessing for each of the alchemical-themed layouts.

For today, please enjoy this Earth Blessing for Earth Day.

With Joy and Hope, Dr. JeM YinJoy

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