Microbe Animal Guides and Meditation in a Water Drop

Imagine you are being lifted gently into a gargantuan lake, filled with fresh water.

You sink into the water, and you and the membrane around you shrink to the size of a microbial cell, which is 1-2 microns in size, tinier than a dust mote, tinier than a blood cell. Now the membrane becomes your gatekeeper, permeable to the nutrients you need to take in or the oxygen you have to use for your metabolism.

3. USA VOTING DAY – Microbes in Winogradsky Column

The success of a perfectly honed interdependent community, by these microbial teachers, is a spiritually significant lesson as the United States of America proceeds to vote for their next President.
It is the lesson of the microbes in this microcosm that we expect from our global leaders.
One community can contribute to another’s success, and all thrive beautifully.