Selkie Soul Mate

This is a story about how animal guides act through their real-world counterparts. Some might feel that wild animals pose a danger to you or children. For an example of such attitudes, here’s an article about a young girl who was pulled off a dock, by a sea lion. The reporter cautions against most peoples’ cavalier attitude towards wild animals. And quite dishonorably, he is very dismissive of his “hippie Mother” who believes in the power of animal communion.

Microbe Whisperer Spirit Guide Cards and Book

Water Is Life – Water Blessing to celebrate Victory at Standing Rock

Water Spirit with no beginning, no end;
Above Her, below Her, within Her you flow
Of tri-clustered orbs is your essence composed,
To shapeshift as liquid, to solid to gas,
precipitate, evaporate, sublime in a flash.
Water Spirit with no beginning, no end;
I wave my hands passed your beautiful blue,
To honor your blessings, refreshing and cool,
And to join in the song of all beings on Earth,
Please keep dancing your cycle for our constant rebirth.

Shamanic Animal Guides in Volcanic Glass

It is the yearning within the human soul, for something greater, some divine explanation for the upheavals in our external worlds, that motivates us too.
When those of us, especially the most hypersensitive and spiritually awake, find ourselves drowning in the sea of human misery, when the emotional mass of our world becomes so overwhelming, we find ways to leap out of it. A few of us, find a way to make that quantum leap,

3. USA VOTING DAY – Microbes in Winogradsky Column

The success of a perfectly honed interdependent community, by these microbial teachers, is a spiritually significant lesson as the United States of America proceeds to vote for their next President.
It is the lesson of the microbes in this microcosm that we expect from our global leaders.
One community can contribute to another’s success, and all thrive beautifully.