Mother’s Day Microbe Guide – Protector of Children and New Seeds

Microbe Guide For Mother's Day

Dear Aspiring Microbe Whisperers:

I asked which Microbe Guide wanted to support all of this this blessed day, and especially those of us who are celebrating after our mother's death. The Microbe Guide who has come for us today, is a microbe called strain RB.

This is strain of Pseudomonas putida that is used for landmine detection. In this way, P. putida shares a common goal with two great humanitarian woman, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. Both of these stellar women epitomized one of our mother's greatest gifts, the power of loving protection.

Please enjoy reading more about this microbe guide that is used for landmine detection in my Guidebook, or write to me through the "Contact me" page and I will send you a complimentary copy of the book excerpt.

My Mom and Me

Mother's Day After Mom's Death

Today I celebrate the first day without my Mom, as she passed on in February.

Death has separated me from her physically, but I lost her in a sense, 10 years prior, due to the onset of her dementia, and the cruelty of the family she lived with, who made my access to my mother increasingly difficult.

To quote the current TV version of The HandMaid's Tale; "people who smell like each other shouldn't be kept apart."

Overcoming Obstacles

I overcame many obstacles to be close with my mother until her death. And the video that follows is a tribute, to that unbreakable bond we have with our mothers and also, to the tenacity that can help us overcome anyone who tries to keep us away from people who smell like us!

Video Tribute

I have created a video tribute to my mother's life and to this loving bond that only child and mother can understand.

Dear ones, I cordially invite you to watch this personal tribute to my mother, so that you can feel that love too.

Please take this gift of love and spread it liberally where you will, while you celebrate your Mother's Day today.

In Joy, JeM

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