Giving In To Fear

A Microbe Animal Guide Reading, On COVID-19


The first death by COVID-19 in the US occurred in my state of residence.

So, the sense of urgency and rising concern is palpable around me as Washingtonians confront the realization that this viral pandemic has struck into the heart of our community.

Given that Microbe Whisperer is about communicating with our Microbe Animal Guides, I was called to ask them about this new virus. There are 40 microbes depicted in my Microbe Whisperer Card deck. Even though that small sample size does not cover the trillions of microbial species in our world, the Microbe Guides in my card deck give us answers to many questions.

Microbe Whisperer and the 40 microbes represented in the card deck, are about non-pathogenic microbes, or at least, non-pathogenic to humans.

But even microbes that are pathogenic, can be better understood, by asking the Microbe Animal Guides. The term microbe, includes viruses. And it is a virus, the COVID-19 virus, that has infected thousands of people, and has killed 3,043 humans as of 1 March 2020.
My question to the Microbe Animal Guides was this:

What information will be useful, to deal with this growing pandemic?

I was given two animal guides as answers.



The first card I pulled, was the methanogens. These microbes make methane and are anaerobic (live without oxygen).

Since this question resulted in answers from two microbe animal guides, I will create a two-part blog. This two-part series should provide some insight, some information and some meditation. It is meant to help us cope with the onslaught of COVID-19 news that is flooding our consciousness right now.


The way to illuminate the dark fear of the unknown, is by the revelation of knowledge.

Once illuminated, darkness is gone and a path can be navigated with confidence.

This post is offered to bring reassurance and resources.

It is one way to help you not to give in to fear. But rather, to support you with knowledge.

Part 1 - The Methanogens - Methane Producing Bacteria

Methanogenic bacteria make methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. And, oxygen kills them. So they sequester themselves in anaerobic environments. These include the cow rumen, the termite gut and, the muddy substrates in swamps.

COVID-19 Lesson a)

If we are worried about what might kill us, we will have to hide in sterilized crevices, or become residents of other beings, like these methanogens.

However, get this! We are inside other beings already: In a way. We are enveloped by layers of organic, microbial trillions. And these include trillions of viruses!

(click on the image)

We are also resilient residents within Mother Earth's ecosystem.

Since we are part of the organic ecosystem on earth, we have natural abilities to keep ourselves safe from microbial (including viral) incursions. Otherwise we would not have survived on this planet for this long.

These natural abilities are part of our human immune system.

(click on image)

Human Immune ResponseImage

Methanogen Discovery and Legends

In 1776, microbiologist Alessandro Volta tested some combustible air he saw bubbling up from swamps. Volta observed that this gas burned as a blue flame. A century later, microbiologists realized that this flame was from methane gas produced by microbes.

People created legends around these little dancing lights and called them, “Will-o’-the-Wisps.”
These were supposed to be spirits of the dead who lured travelers into treacherous marshes. Their tricks could be mischievous or worse, malevolent, and they took pleasure in leading people astray and into dangerous situations.

COVID-19 Lesson b)

Considering their microscopic size, this type of major influence of a microbe on human civilization is pretty amazing.

The Methanogen lesson is this:

One puff of a secret creates a million stories.

Whether they be legends of cursed or playful spirits, or omens of death, worldwide stories about what may or may not be true can cause a wanderer in the dark to become lost in a maze.

Getting lost in a maze can lead to panic.

Panic leads to stress, and stress lowers our wonderful, warrior-like immune response. So make sure to destress by unplugging from the constant barrage of bad news, viral or otherwise.

Do not feed the panic, lest this beast become a large, irrational creature that consumes you, and lowers your immune response too!

Of course, all microbes extend much influence on our planet.

Methanogens do not cause disease to humans, like the COVID-19 virus. But this virus, like the methanogen, has influenced our human history. And part of that human history, is our boundless ingenuity and inventiveness. Part of that human history is the legacy of vaccines and antivirals that we developed in response to previous diseases that killed millions.

COVID-19 Lesson c)

The wisdom of this methanogen teacher is this:
Don’t underestimate the power of human imagination when it comes to what you keep hidden in the dark.

Thanks to human ingenuity
and invention, we applied molecular tools to rapidly identify the genetic sequence for this RNA virus.

Thanks to human ingenuity and scientific knowledge, we have developed PCR testing kits to identify the virus in human hosts.

And - thanks breakthroughs in medical science, we are already testing previously successful antiviral agents, that were used for MERS and SARS, on this novel and insidious virus.

Methanogens are sensitive to oxygen

Because methanogens are so sensitive to oxygen, microbiologists must work with them using air tight glove boxes. This Microbe Animal Guide, the Methanogen, teaches us how to protect ourselves from something small, that can kill us.

COVID-19 Lesson d)

Keep your abode, airtight! In this case, keep your body free from exposure. Do what the CDC and public health practitioners advise.

(Click on the Hand Image to learn more).


Part-2 of the series will include a guided meditation.
Please go to the this page, for more information on COVID-19.

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