
Microbes use Barriers for Protection – And so should You!


It's a biological fact.

Organisms that learn how to protect themselves, survive external onslaughts better than organisms that don't. And the ones that survive, give rise to smarter progeny.

Wearing a mask is a simple biological necessity

to protect us from the Covid-19 virus. If microbes are smart enough protect themselves, we would be wise to do the same.

View this illustration

to detail the effects of mask wearing on reducing your risk to Covid-19.
Mouth Spray Carries Virus
There are countless of examples in microbiology and medical texts, that illustrate the trajectory of droplets when speak, cough or sneeze. For a specific scientific reference, please read this paper, titled: "Exhaled droplets due to talking and coughing" which was published in December 2009, long before our current pandemic.

It has been a well-known and documented, medically sound fact, that many respiratory diseases are spread by exhaled droplets from carriers of a disease. (click on image for reference).

We wear masks to stop the spread

of these droplets that have the potential to carry viruses. Once we breath in enough of a viral load (or titer), from these airborne droplets, then the potential for us to become infected increases. We know this to be true, due to not only scientific studies, but also, due to how quickly we've seen it spread, in enclosed and crowded spaces.

There are other solutions besides the sensible precautions

we are taking by wearing masks and ensuring physical distance from others. These solutions entail methods to prevent us from breathing in viral-loaded exhaled droplets in an enclosed space or room. These can be developed by the human ingenuity that abounds our on planet, by inventive and creative minds. We already have existing technology for a starting point. There are water droplet capture systems, that can conceivably be modified to better capture viruses and deactivate them, from our exhaled breaths.

My book in progress, "Microbe Whispering in Covid Times" will have the details on these devices. (To be published on Amazon soon).

Stay Healthy and Safe Aspiring Microbe Whisperers! JeM


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