Santa Rudolph Selfie

Fly Your Light Glow! Santa Saves Rudolph from the Bullies!

It's the season for Christmas songs,

including "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer." We all know the story of poor Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, who was bullied for his funny looking nose.

We do not know how Rudolph got this red, shiny nose. My personal theory is that he ate too much red snow, and now he has a permanent microbiome of crimson bioluminescent microbes residing on this nose.


Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer

The lyrics of the song describe the bullying this way:
"All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph, play in any reindeer games."
Just because Rudolph had a red, shiny nose,
just because he looked different: He was body shamed, derided and sidelined by his reindeer family. The song melody is so upbeat, and of course we know it ends well, so this sad part is not too distressing.
But we don't know how long Rudolph suffered this way.
And it is true that many of us can relate to the "bullying". Bullies might target our prosthetics, our body type, our heritage, where we come from or even, what we think! Bullies can be family, like in Rudolph's case, or be at work, or at school. Bullies can cause the one targeted to feel lonely and scared. It is very dishabilitating and can lead to severe depression over time.
When did Santa witness Rudolph's bad treatment by his peers?
Santa is portrayed as a wise old magical fellow. So hopefully Rudolph did not have to endure this bullying too long. What we learn from the song/story, is that Santa needed Rudolph's special nose-glowing talents on one foggy Christmas Eve. (Why the elf mechanic had not supplied Santa with headlights on the sleigh, is not important right now. Perhaps the lights blew out and the elves were on vacation?) But on that fortuitous foggy night, Santa singled out Rudolph to make sure his Christmas-delivery mission was a go! And Rudolph's shiny and apparently glowing red nose, guided the other reindeer and Santa, safely through the dark night skies.

Santa's practical needs and recognition of Rudolph's special glow, saved Rudolph from a miserable life.

Santa's actions elevated Rudolph's status in the reindeer pack, and showed his brothers and sisters, that Rudolph indeed had a valuable contribution to make, by using his naturally bright talent.

That speaks volumes to the spirit of this jolly old elf,

this Saint Nick, this Santa Claus. The Santa Claus archetype is something we can aspire to emulate. It is a tremendous gift to find that Santa Spirit within ourselves. And to recognize and elevate those around us who have been bullied. We can channel this Christmas Spirit by asking those who have been sidelined, to lead the pack with their unique and natural gifts.
No one should be bullied or named called.

We should not silence or ignore others, based on our perception and judgement, which can be flawed. Sometimes, the most disliked and marginalized person in our group, is the one who has the greatest gift to give us.

May you all make it to your missions on time, by enjoying everyone's special glow, especially your own unique, and sparkling luminescence.

By honoring the glow of each of us,

no matter how different they may be, we brighten up every heart with the true spirit of this season. This action is what will get our sleighs safely through the night, and through our lives.

I wish all of you aspiring Microbe Whisperers, a Blessed Christmas and the JOY of activating your inner Saint Nick!

Joyful Blessings, JeM


The Rudolph Poem,

published in 1939, is by Robert May, and the song, by Johnny Marks, written in 1948. Enjoy the song, here!

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