Virus Purge

A Microbe Animal Guide Reading, On COVID-19 – Part 2

As I prepare Part 2 of my Microbe Animal Guide Reading on COVID-19
the world is shutting down around us. The streets are silent. The shelves are bare of essential sundries and staples.

Today's blog post is focused on the message from the second Microbe Guide that presented itself when I did this reading last week and pulled two cards.

You can read that posting here. (click on this image).

COVID-19 Part 1


What information will be useful, to deal with this growing pandemic?

I was given two animal guides as answers. Last week I wrote about the first card.

This week, I will discuss the second Microbe Guide card I pulled, in answer to this question,.

This microbe is named Nitrobacter Winogradskyi.

I know! Long name.

We can call this microbe Nitrobacter for short.
This microbe plays a crucial role in our planet's

Nitrogen cycle

(Select Image for Video)

Nitrobacter lives in soil and water. You find Nitrobacter where ever there is ammonia and nitrate.
What lessons does this microbe animal guide want to teach us, to help us deal with the corona virus?


First, let me help you get to know Nitrobacter a little bit more.

A quick tour of the nitrogen cycle will help you understand her wisdom. (Please view small video clip shown here.)

  • The nitrogen cycle pulls nitrogen out of the atmosphere, and changes it to forms that can be used by plants.
  • When plants die or animals leave waste products, the nitrogen is in an organic form (ammonia, urea and such).
  • This organic form is changed back into nitrogen gas by special microbes. Then this nitrogen gas back goes into the atmosphere.

The conversion from nitrogen gas to mineral forms of consumable nitrogen, is performed by specialized groups of microbes.

Nitrobacter is an integral part of the tag team that keeps the nitrogen cycle rolling.

Nitrobacter works together with other special microbes to "pass the ball" of nitrogen from ammonia to Nitrite to Nitrate to Nitrogen gas again. So Nitrobacter W. relies on a "team" of cronies to keep this cycle going.
Animal Guide Lesson 1

Nitrobacter teaches us that we are also crucial part of a team that keeps the atmosphere cycle rolling.

We are part of Mother Earth's cycle of atmospheric gases. Our lungs need oxygen, and our trees need CO2


Animal Guide Lesson 2

Nitrobacter teaches how to convert something toxic, to something harmless


Animal Guide Lesson 3

We have the power to create a corona virus purge cycle.

We do this by getting in sync with the powerful exchanges of breath we share with the photosynethesizers on earth. And with all of the microbes of the nitrogen cycle.


Together as a team, we can cycle out the virus, as we do with our oxygen and nitrogen.

And as we do this, we have trillions of microbe animal guides, that are showing us how.

We can ask the Nitrobacter animal guide to teach us this skill, and apply it towards a meditation in removing the corona virus. To be like Nitrobacter we will envision how this microbe changes nitrite which is toxic to plants, to nitrate, which does not hurt plants. By analogy, we can ask this microbe guide to teach us how to change the COVID-19 virus, from something toxic to humans, into a harmless little husk. Then we can then breathe it out.

Meditation to cleanse the lungs of our planet.

This meditation can be done whether or not you have the corona virus. This meditation is meant to envision the removal of the COVID-19 virus from our collective lungs.

When we breath in oxygen and nitrogen, we can ask Nitrobacter and friends, to create these virus killer compounds (on the astral plane), from the ingredients we inhale: From oxygen and nitrogen.

We ask the Nitrobacter animal guide and her friends to use their powers to help us purge the virus from our global pulmonary systems!

(Go to Meditation to Purge Corona Virus, by clicking on the video image).

Wishing you all Joy and Good Health, JeM YinJoy

If you believe you have COVID-19, please reach out to the appropriate medical providers for assistance.


Disclaimer: This meditation is intended as an empowering visualization only. No suggestion is being made for humans to try to intake or breathe in NO, NO2 or NO3, as these compounds are not compatible with a human or animal respiratory system.

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